As specialised lawyer based in Munich, I can handle international family law problems.
Many people confronted with a marriage breakdown will eventually realize that their situation reveals international juridical elements.

  • A divorce settlement involving international factors is a complicated matter, as financial situations and outcomes differ significantly from country to country. In international divorce law, the fact that a marriage occurred in a specific country does not mean neither that the lawsuit has solely to take place in that country, nor that the law of that country would apply.

    If you live as expatriate in Germany, and you wish to inform yourself about your possibilities for filing for divorce, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

    Furthermore, we provide advices in other contractual matters, such as i.e. property law, commercial law, etc...

    For any questions, do not hesitate to call me, the first phone call involving an advisory service is free of charge.

    Please call at +49 (0)89 61534266